Johana Garcia

December 4, 2012

English 112 B

Dr. Warner


Annotated Bibliography: Finding Yourself


            I chose to annotate Self-Help books, in particular stories that could give a connection with not only the character, but the writer as well. I realized when I did my book talk that it�s important to learn more in depth about the writer, it really helped me enhance the story. What really amazed me were the struggles that many of these writers went through and that I found myself in them, in some ways. As a child I was English-Language- Learner and this made it difficult for me to really get into books and realized until I went to college how much difference it would have made for me if I was able to comprehend books earlier. Now when I read I can go back to my childhood and not only make connections, but realize that I was not alone.

Some of these books are able to give readers a voice, they are not only motivational, but they also give hope.

1. Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak: Reality about rape. Penguin Group 1999. Print.

            This book talks about one of the most important things and that is to speak up about a bad situation. Especially as teenagers we think that we need to stay quite about things that we know deep down inside they are wrong. This was the case about Melinda, she had been raped at a party and as she was calling the police for help no one at the party bothered to ask what was wrong all they cared about was that thanks to Melinda the party was over. Melinda never told anyone what had happened and had lost her friends because of it, now as she goes through high school struggling with her own pain she slowly realizes that the best thing that happened was to tell the truth.

            We might think that this doesn�t happen, but in reality it does, this book has proven to give readers the courage to open up if they have had a similar situation. I highly recommend this book as a way to find yourself and know that avoiding the truth can actually hurt you more then it has to be.




2.Asher, Jay. Thirteen Reasons Why. The confession of suicide. Razorbill 2007. Print.


            A girl commits suicide and she has left thirteen tapes confessing her tragedy. In those tapes which she leaves on the porch of her classmate she confesses to him why he is on her list of the reasons why she committed suicide.

            This would be a good book to read since it has another subject that again has to do with young adult readers, suicide. Even though I have not experienced anyone close to me that has had this happened to, being a teenager myself I can remember so many times where I would rather be dead then have to of had to live some embarrassing moments in Jr. High. This would connect with many, if not all teenagers.


3. De La Pena, Matt. We Were There. Therapy and writing. Random House 2009. Print.

            A boy who has been sent to a group home by a judge and has ordered him to write about his feelings is about to discover and finally find closure to the death of his older brother. This book focuses on young boys and the struggles that many teenagers go thorough when they don�t speak up or they keep feelings locked away and they don�t understand that realizing them from inside will free so many thins. This is exactly what happens to Miguel and some friends that have decided to break out of the group home and plan to leave to Mexico and start over. Little did they know that this journey would actually let them discover and let out so many emotions that have kept inside.

            I would recommend this book not only for being an easy read, but also the messages that we get from it. We sometimes judge people for their actions or who they appear to be and I reality they could be suffering as much or more then ourselves.


4. Dessen, Sarah. Just Listen: When you stop being popular. Viking Juvenile 2006. Print.

           What happens to that popular girl that has everything? Well in this book Dessen tells us the story of Annabelle who�s a girl that seems to have it all, until one day she has nothing, not even friends. After she becomes friends with Owen, she discovers why she and Sophie stopped being friends. Dealing with issues at school and a t home with her anorexic sister she finds herself alone.

            As young adults we believe that our friends will always be there, for some reason when they are needed the most that is when they disappear. This book would be a very god story that many can relate to. This popular girl finds friendship in someone that is the total opposite of her.


5. Donnelly, Jennifer. A Northern Light: True story based on a murder case. First Harcourt paperback edition 2004. Print.

In 1906 a young sixteen year old named Mattie wants to attend college and become a writer. She struggles with her family and friends and they don�t� seem to understand and really believe that she has the talent to be someone else besides a homemaker. As she takes on a summer job in hopes to save enough money to be able to attend school, she makes a discovery of a murder. One of the guests at the hotel where she is working is found dead. What many don�t know that this person had given Mattie letters that she was suppose to burn so no one would find out the truth about what happened. Instead Mattie started to read them and this gave her more courage to finally decide to go to college even if it was going against her fathers will.

            When were young we don�t really know what it is that we want in life, this book even though it is told from a historical point it can have a connection with many young girls and the decision between getting married having children or choosing a career and fulfilling other things.


6. Efway, Amy. After: Teenage pregnancy. Penguin Group 2010. Print.

            Efway, the writer of this story is a mother like me and when she comes across this story about a newborn baby being found in a dumpster she can�t put her mind around it. She decides to write this book and during her research she realizes that many of the cases involve girls that you wouldn�t imagine would be taking these types of actions. Were talking about straight A athletes who seem to have a strong head on their shoulders. We can sometimes underestimate the choices that girls have to make in order to avoid their peers, not only parents, but coach�s teachers, friends that see them as superstars not murders.

            This book not only teaches about the high volume of teenage pregnancy, it also opens up reality to what really goes inside the minds of these poor girls that have to carry this burden forever.


7. Hopkins, Ellen. Crank: Dealing with drug abuse. Margaret K. McElderry Books 2004. Print.

            The writer of this book has actually based her character on her own daughter. Kristina has been introduced to crank during one of her visits with her absent father. She is so lost that she gets raped by a drug dealer and becomes pregnant. We all know the dangers that come with using drugs and for others they live through a family member or friend and it�s hard to cope with and sometimes we just give up on that person, finally realizing that as much help as you give them, the only ones that can stop their addiction is themselves.


8. McCormick, Patricia. Sold: Sex trafficking. Hyperion 2006. Print.

            A young girl that has been sold to a hoar house has no idea what is going to happen to her. Thinking that she is at this house as a maid and not a sex slave McCormick takes us through the thoughts of this little girl.



9. Pelzer, Dave. A Child Called It: Biography about a child that overcomes the life as an abused child. Health Communications 1995. Print.

This story is a recollection of Dave Pelzer�s memory of the day he got rescued by Child Protective Services. He was not only beaten by his alcoholic mother, he suffered one of the most horrendous child abuse cases. As a child he had to figure out on his own how to feed himself and suffer from being the outcast of his school. It wasn�t until the school nurse finally had seen enough and she finally made the call that would change the life of this boy forever.

      This book would be a good book to read for all ages not only teenagers, many can relate to some type of situation where they know someone who has gone through situations like this or maybe themselves in just a different way. This book definitely proves that there is hope as challenging as life can be there is always a way out.



10. Picoult, Jodi. My Sister�s Keeper. A young girl who speaks up about the rights to her body. Washington Square Press 2003. Print.


      In this story a teenage girl finds out that she was born to save the life of her sister that is fighting leukemia, even though she has donated bone marrow the cancer returns.  Now she is told that she needs to donate her kidney, now that she is of age she realizes the consequences that could happen if she does give up one of her kidneys and actually takes her parents to court and fight for her rights. I can�t imagine how hard this would be for the entire family, and that it�s a continued struggle for many families in the fight of this horrible disease.

      This book would be good for teenagers to read especially if they have lost someone in their family due to cancer. Also I found it inspiring to se a young thirteen year old girl actually fight and have a voice. Different from some of the other books I have annotated this girl found herself and had to fight for what she believed was another option to save her sister�s life.